Free Sample of Craize Snack Crackers
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Sign up or log in to your Social Nature then apply to the offer for a chance to get these Craize Snack Crackers for free! Expect to receive a free voucher of 113g pf Craize Crackers bag.
Offer valid for the following varieties: Guava, Coconut, Everything, Sweet Corn.
- Sweet Corn Craize are a sweet, comforting reminder of cornbread or cachapas. You’ll love them with guacamole or salsa.
- With a tangy tropical fruit sweetness, Guava Craize pair perfectly with cheese, nut butter, or as a little treat on their own.
- Coconut Craize are toasty, sweet, and nutty with a hint of vanilla and brown sugar. Try them with melted dark chocolate for a decadent dessert!
- A bagel’s crunchy Latin cousin! You’ll love the garlicky, oniony, savory flavors of Everything Craiz
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